Kelly Sherman
Amy Robert Insalaco
CL CV 201 Sec 001Amy Robert Insalaco
Suicide: Then vs. Now
is never an easy subject to address, but at times it is necessary, especially
since it is such a big problem in Utah, which has the fifth highest suicide
rate in the United States, according to the Salt Lake Tribune (
Since suicide is such a big issue, it would be worthwhile to step back and see
what that means about the society in which we live. That being said, although
it is a problem now, it was also an issue back in ancient Greece. Does this
mean our society is reverting back to ancient ways? Or has the human population
really not learned enough and continues to treat others in a way that causes
suicide? By looking at the literature and paintings of ancient Greek times, we
can come to learn the type of societies that were present in the past and the
“why” to people choosing to die by suicide.
By reading literature, such as The Essential
Homer or The Portable Greek Historians, describing ancient Greece, one can tell
how important honour is to them. In the early Greek culture, honour was gained
by sacrificing oneself to a greater cause, such as war, or save another’s
life. One could choose to live a simple
life and not worry about honour but then they wouldn’t be respected in the same
type of way. If one had honour and lost it, that pretty much meant the end of
their world since they could expect to be treated poorly and with no respect.
Take Ajax for example, “Ajax expected to receive the armor of Achilles upon the
latter’s death in combat. Instead the armor was given to Odysseus, and this
enraged Ajax. In his madness he os
Ajax is not the only one who chose
death over life. Another great example is Socrates, who chose to die to prove a
point. Ancient Greek laws were very strict, with death being a very likely
scenario for violating them. This was very apparent when Socrates was condemned
for corrupting the youth of Athens with strange gods. He had the opportunity to
escape and start anew but rather than b
reaking the law or showing weakness, he
chose to drink poison hemlock and kill himself. This can be seen encapsulated
in the painting “The Death of Socrates” by David,
Jacques-Louis and Plato’s Crito. In the Crito Socrates even says, “Listen, then, Socrates, to us who have brought you up. Think not of
life and children first, and of justice afterwards, but of justice first, that
you may be justified before the princes of the world below.” The society in which these people
lived, because of the high issue of pride, placed such a high value on honour
and being honourable that death was preferred over being dishonourable.

Fast forward to the present and we have the same issue, people dying by suicide, but the question is why? There are many reasons but it seems it can be boiled down to two main reasons: not being able to live up to expectations (i.e. being dishonoured) and mental illness, according to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health ( In the world we live today, everyone relies on someone or something that is not themselves, whether it is a church, family member, job/school or social media outlet. Each of these, have expectations of how a person should live or think and if they fail to live/act in such a manner then a crushing weight of disappointment would be felt, whether it was meant or not. Some may be able to live with this disappointment but others may think they’ve failed for the last time and there can be no redemption. Reading papers such as Selfies and Teenage Body Image ( or blogs like Why Good Parents Feel Inadequate (, assumptions can be made as to why different age and gender groups commit suicide. For example, teenagers comparing themselves to social media stars and always failing to look as pretty as them or act as decent; men failing to provide for their family even when they are trying their best; or moms failing to live up to the expectation of the ‘perfect mother’ who is happy, cleans and bakes and makes

In conclusion, ancient Greece and America today seem to have similar standards of people. In both societies one must work way too hard to achieve respect and if we can’t quite meet the standards then were out! Many people can’t deal with the thought of being alone or unloved and feel the only option to escape those feelings is suicide. In reality though, there is always another way, society may be harsh but we need to be harsher. Whether it’s living in ancient Greece or in today's society, suicide should never be the option and help is available, one just has to be willing to seek it out.
Works Cited:
Ramseth, L. (2017). Hoping to
counter deadly trend, Utah officials confirm 425 suicides so far in 2017.
[online] The Salt Lake Tribune. Available at:
Richard T. Greek Art and Archaeology. New York, NY: Thames &
Hudson, 2012. 145. As found at: Foarde, Chip. “Exekias and the
Suicide of Ajax, by Chip Foarde.” Archaeology
Students Speak, 30 Mar. 2012,
Exekias. Suicide of Ajax. Black-figure vase, 540
Jacques-Louis. The Death of Socrates.
1787, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
"Crito.” Crito, by Plato, 360AD
“20132 Suicide.” Mental
Illness & Addiction Index | CAMH,
Piercy, Lindsey. “What a
New Study Reveals about Selfies and Teenage Body Image.” - News and Articles
on Science and Technology,, 30 May 2018,
Beisner, L. (2019). Why Good
Parents Always Feel Inadequate - Role Reboot. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 23 Jan. 2013].
Smith, S.
(2019). Why People Commit Suicide.
[online] Psychology Today. Available at:
I hadn’t thought of the death of Socrates as a suicide before, but that does seem like an accurate description of his actions since he willing gave his life. True, it is easy to avoid the subject of suicide or to brush it aside like it is not a very big deal. Even the suicide that happened at BYU last year might be considered by some to be brushed aside and not taken seriously. When considering the factors that play into suicides, mental illness is a huge factor. It is sad how these mental illnesses can cause people to throw away all their potential.
ReplyDeleteI liked how you addressed a different aspect of suicide with Socrates. It helps broaden the understanding of suicide. I feel like suicide is something that we think of as a distant tragedy until it's too late and strikes someone near us. It is interesting to see how mental illness and social factors play such a big role in suicide.
ReplyDeleteI liked the initial questions you posed in the beginning of your paper, I feel like they were thought provoking. I had not thought that we were reverting back to ancient society, but just thought that we were similar in spite of the time period. I also had not thought to use the example of Socrates in my paper, but I felt it was apt in this situation and you tied it in well. I also thought you did a good job of bringing in health and psychology topics that related well. I loved your finishing comment of how we need to be harsher than society is to us. Power to the people!