Tuesday 15 January 2019

The Me You Never Knew

Lover of Animals 

My whole life has revolved around animals ever since I was a little girl. It helps that I have grown up with at least one pet in the house my whole life, whether it be a dog, fish, guinea pig, etc.
I became so obsessed with animals that I often found I preferred spending time with them over actual human beings, I know, yikes. As I matured and started work I knew I had to find something that supported my love for my four legged friends, so of course I began working at McDonalds... Only so I could start a side business of walking, grooming and sitting pets around the neighbourhood. All these past events has led me here, to BYU where I study Wildlife Conservation and hope to someday, save the lives of many animals. I don't need to make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, just a huge difference to the creatures I have rescued and only then will I feel like I've achieved something great.

Sister from the Stars 
Not to toot my own horn, but I am a pretty great sister. Aside from animals, family one of my main priorities. I am the youngest of three sisters and honestly it's the best feeling in the world (most of the time). Ask my sisters and they'll tell you I get so many more privileges but I make sure not to rub it in their faces... too much. Realistically though, I always want to make sure my sisters feel important and loved no matter what they go through, so I make sure to compliment them, call whenever I can and remind them what wonderful people they are. I'm not the only "sister from the stars" though since they are just as amazing and loving towards me. Although fights are inevitable, I love my family to death and would do anything for any of them.

Image may contain: 7 people, including Sam Stephenson, Kelly Sherman and Jennifer Stephenson, people smiling, people standing, people sitting, sky and outdoor
Advocate of Film 

Netflix is one of my favourite hobbies, I think that tells you how much I enjoy watching television. Movies and shows are a part of who I am, they are a way for me to escape into a new world or simply numb my brain after a hard day. Now I know I'm no professional, but when my friends or family turn to me for movie watching advice, I can't help but feel like I've developed a sense of what makes a film good or bad. All genres are fair game to me, go ahead, ask me if I've seen your favourite movie, more likely then not, I have.

Master of Confusion 

It's not what you're thinking... for the person I confuse the most, is myself. My friend once told me what she figured out about me, she said "as soon as you realize Kelly doesn't understand Kelly, you understand Kelly." Some may get insulted but I thought it was wonderful to hear what I had always thought be put in words. I may get confused a lot, but it also makes me a curious person since I like to find the answers I've been searching for. That also makes me determined and great at trivia since it's often random facts that I find the answers too. I may not understand my own feelings or thoughts at times, but at least I understand, what I don't understand; understand?


  1. Great epithets Kelly. I too love animals and have a dog and a cat. I think you chose right to become a wildlife conservationist. I should have chosen that path honestly. I come from a family of five boys, me being the oldest. So I am inexperienced when it comes to having sisters or being the youngest sibling, but family is very important to me as it is to you. I can relate to you on the movie epithet. I too love film and appreciate a good cinematic experience. My favorite movie is Drive. Have you seen that one? Its a bit dark but very well done, I think.

  2. Hi Kelly! That’s really neat that your love for animals has extended beyond just having them around to helping them also. Animals are so neat, during summers growing up I would volunteer for my local zoo, and it was so much fun! You’re doing a great thing. I happen to be the oldest of three siblings, so I liked reading your perspective of being the youngest of three. You say you’re no expert, but it sounds like you are a connoisseur of film. When my family and I are all together during the holidays we bond over watching the movies we had missed. I’m sure your family has found a lot of great go-to movies and TV shows because of you.

  3. I absolutely LOVE movies and spend so much time watching Netflix, they really should pay me! I love sitting with my friends and discussing parts of the movie we find interesting, especially with my roommate in the BFA (illustration) program, who loves animation! I'd love to hear some of your more "vague" recommendations for Netflix movies or shows :)

  4. That is so fun that you love animals. I am also the youngest in my family, but my older siblings ruined having pets for us. By the time I came around, my parents were done trusting the kids with any pets. The worst part is that my step dad is a veterinarian! haha. I love film as well, but I feel that I love it so much that I can't trust myself to start a show during the school year or I will put it over my studies. I wish I could find that balance. Hats off to you for doing so.
